Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is still fairly new computing terminology,
it refers to the remote servers and software networks that allows centralized storage and computation. Users access these resources through network.
Cloud computing is classified into private, public and hybrid cloud, depending on where the physical servers are placed and managed. Comparing Chinese and USA companies,
USA tends to adopted public cloud better than Chinese companies. The trust crisis in Chinese culture pushes more business to consider private cloud, especially in finance, insurance, tele-communication
and other state-owned companies.
Responsive Web Applications
Responsive web application refers to these web applications with Responsive Web Design (RWD). RWD is an approach in web design to maximum the best view experiences in different electronic devices. This is important as we see more and more different tables and mobile phone gushing to the market. Even though native application still provides the best view experiences to the end user, RWD heavily leverage CSS and Javascript technologies to change the layout and hide/show UI elements depending on the device resolutions. RWD cuts the development cost down, however we still recommend native application for best performance and user experiences.
HTML5 and CSS3
HTML5 is the latest iteration of that markup language, at the core of HTML5 are a number of new semantic elements, as well as several related technologies and APIs. These new semantic elements, along with other standards like WAI-ARIA and Microdata, help make our documents more accessible to both humans and machines — resulting in benefits for both accessibility and search engine optimization. HTML5 is important for many technical reasons. With HTML5, we do not need browser plug-ins anymore, rich media can be played in browser. The good news is now all major browsers support HTML5 – including those in the mobile space – you get a universal experience across a wide spectrum of devices. When we do strategic planning, HTML5 should be considered when selecting implementing technologies.
CSS is a style language that describes how HTML markup is presented or styled. CSS3 is the latest version of the CSS specification. CSS3 allows you to include these and other design elements in a forward-thinking manner that leads to so many benefits: clean markup that is accessible to humans and machines, maintainable code, fewer extraneous images, and faster loading pages.
With HTML5 and CSS3, we can create responsive web applications for computers, tablets and mobile phones. These are among the most important technologies today for web application development.
PaaS and Docker
Platform as a service (PaaS) technology has been around for many years now. Herokuand Microsoft Azure were pioneers in PaaS, they still deliver the PaaS service for users. The new PaaS providers include Cloud Foundry from Vmware (Pivotal) and OpenShift from Red Hat, both are open source projects. They allow you to build public, private or hybrid PaaS. According to "Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization on Linux. Docker uses resource isolation features of the Linux kernel such as cgroups and kernel namespaces to allow independent "containers" to run within a single Linux instance, avoiding the overhead of starting virtual machines." Docker is important as it removed the overhead virtual machine creates, allows user to run more applications in old servers. With a perfectly tuned container system, you could have as many as four-to-six times the number of server application instances as you can using Xen or KVM VMs on the same hardware.
PaaS is about applications, IaaS is about infrastructure. The target consumers of IaaS layer are not business apps. Instead, the PaaS is designed to serve the business applications. With new container technology from Docker, we shall see new wave of PaaS movement. The efforts, like Deis, Flynn, Tsuru, Dawn and Octohost have some similarities with the second generation PaaS initiatives like Cloud Foundry and Openshift – namely, they’re open source and designed to let users run their own PaaS.